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Passion Fruit

Passion Fruit

Scientific name: Passiflora edulis

Contains antioxidants that support the cardiovascular system, as it prevents clogging of the arteries and has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to fall asleep and reduce stress levels. Likewise, it is an ideal fruit to regulate digestive functions and its flower is used in cosmetological and perfumery products.

It is a tropical fruit, whose flores are known as passion flores or crowns of Christ, and are pink, lilac or reddish. This fruit is valued not only for its flavor and aroma, but also for its nutritional content, as it is a source of provitamin A, niacin, riboflavin and ascorbic acid.

The fruit of the Gulupa or pasiflora edulis is round or slightly oblong, its weight is between 40 and 50 grams, with a diameter of 4 to 6 cm, an average of 6 grams in weight, with fine and hard shell as a resistant, smooth and thick rind that turns from green to yellow or purple when ripe.

Gulupa helps to provide essential vitamins that the body needs such as vitamin A, B12 and C. This fruit is a source of calcium, fibra, phosphorus, iron, protein and magnesium. It also contains potassium and carbohydrates.

Like all passion fruits, Passion Fruit is used as a tranquilizer as it works as a natural sedative. It lowers blood pressure and is a rich source of vitamin C. Passion Fruit also helps to fall asleep, controls tension and improves digestive functions.

It has a pulp formed by black seeds that can be eaten. The arils of the pulp are yellowish gray to orange, very crystalline and juicy between sweet and sour, and can be eaten fresh or in juice.

Passion fruit can be eaten raw by cutting in half and eating the pulp with a spoon; it can be eaten alone or by adding cream and sugar. It is also delicious in salads or in juice by pressing the pulp through a sieve and adding water. The sifted pulp can also be used to make jellies, jams, sauces, cocktails and ice cream.

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It is characterized for being an excellent source of provitamin A and vitamin C. It also possesses some of the vitamin B complex.


Golden Passion Fruit

Considered by many as the best of the passion fruits. Its color varies from dark purple to yellow-orange.